The experts at Sgaravato Studio Legale Tributario have extensive experience in field of insolvency law

From debt restructuring to business and company rescue generally.

In this area, our lawyers and consultants work in close contact with our clients to help resolve a range of complex issues, always with a focus on the many changes in legislation and in case law that have characterized this field over the last 20 years.

Sgaravato the firm

Our synergy of talents, longstanding experience and ongoing study and research enable us to provide enterprises with support right from the first signs of difficulty by identifying and understanding the causes of the crisis, then researching potential paths forward in order to ensure business continuity, protect the interests of creditors, and prevent or limit any liability for the business owners, corporate directors, and management.

All of this is done in close contact with the owners and management, including in relation to local and national fiscal matters.

The extensive experience of our team of professionals working with private and publicly owned businesses and corporate groups includes:

  • company reorganization and the definition of business strategies and financial plans aimed at company rescue;
  • voluntary settlements with creditors;
  • analysis and preparation of arrangements with creditors and insolvency proceedings;
  • preparation of business rescue plans, plans to achieve financial stability, and debt restructuring agreements;
  • legal and business consulting to reach out-of-court agreements with creditors, including debt restructuring;
  • administrative receivers, insolvency administrators, and liquidators;
  • reports certifying company rescue plans, debt restructuring plans, and plans for arrangements with creditors;
  • support in managing tax and social security claims and other related transactions;
  • assistance in the extraordinary administration of large organizations experiencing a crisis;
  • legal consulting and support, including litigation and disputes, concerning the liability of directors and auditors as well as avoidance and recovery actions;
  • support in the resolution of crises due to excessive debt;
  • expert testimony in disputes and litigation.